Guest Post For Tech With Africa – Content Contribution Guidelines

Here’s an opportunity to write a guest post for Tech With Africa (TWA). Tech With Africa is a tech journalism platform that decentralizes tech news for Africans. We tell stories about tech startups, tech opportunities, news, and everything that relates to technology.

If you are looking for a platform for showing your writing skills then TWA is a place to hone your skills. We at TWA, are looking for guest post writers who are passionate about their respective areas of tech interest and want to showcase their authorship in that space.

We are looking for fresh and creative content from authors who have proven and established track records in content writing. If you think your content will attract our readers, please feel free to contact us through any given medium of communication.

Our Areas of Focus

We cover the following topics on our website. If you think you have enough knowledge of any of these topics then please contact us.

  1. Cryptocurrency/Blockchain Technology
  2. Tech Careers
  3. Fintech
  4. Information Technology
  5. Startups
  6. Cybersecurity
  7. Internet of Things
  8. Gadgets/Product Reviews
  9. Artificial Intelligence/Virtual Reality
  10. Company Spotlight

What We Hate

  • Content that is written with the sole aim of promoting affiliate links
  • Self-promotional content
  • Content containing defaming material
  • Plagiarised content
  • Poorly written and badly formatted content

How to Pitch

Guest contributors looking to write for Tech With Africa should start off by telling us their idea with a few details. We want to see only the idea, not the finished product. Please include:

  • Up to three headline suggestions
  • An introduction of a few sentences so we can assess the standard of writing and context.
  • A basic, rough outline of what you intend to write, and the direction you want to take.

We’ll ask you to submit a draft if we accept your outline.

General Guest Post Requirements

  • Content should be specific

Guest contributions on Tech With Africa should serve our specific audience. We are all about providing quality content for emerging tech startups and entrepreneurs, and anything within that ecosystem.

  • Writers must provide actionable content

Our main requirement is that each article provides useful and actionable advice to our audience. This isn’t a place to flex your grammatical muscle. We prefer simple expressions that convey your write-up’s essence and help them take the desired action.

  • Submitted content should be in-depth, but concise

We don’t have fixed word counts, but our feature posts tend to run somewhere between 1000 and 2000 words. We want our materials to be informative and in-depth, but not so much that it becomes tedious or repetitive.

  • Other Requirements

Content should be 100% unique, creative, and of high quality. We do not accept previously published blog posts.

Important Note

We receive a large number of stories from guest contributors, so we make every effort to publish all of the articles, no matter how long it takes. A free post could take up to two weeks to publish but if you can’t wait that long, Tech With Africa also has a sponsored post option where you can promote your products through reviews in your own style without being constrained by our writing guidelines.

Components of the Featured Article

  1. In the first few paragraphs, the post should communicate what it’s about, why people should keep reading, and/or what they will get out of it. This is the “nut graf” or the “so-what graf” that lets the reader decide if it’s something important or relevant that they should keep reading.
  2. Separate the post into a few sections with subheadings.
  3. Bullets and lists are great but don’t go nuts. Definitely avoid lists within lists.
  4. All posts need at least one image to illustrate a point or how to do something. They can be screenshots, photos, gifs, youtube videos, etc. as long as they are relevant and royalty-free.
  5. Write in easy-to-understand language. Ensure that your post is written in plain language that any reader can understand. No technical jargon or unnecessary fillers.
  6. Double-check facts, grammar, spelling, image resolution, and URLs.
  7. All studies, quotes, data, etc. must be properly sourced and attributed with hyperlinks.
  8. Where possible, each featured post should link back to at least one previous Tech With Africa post.
  9. The final line should be a call-to-action, usually to share or comment on the post.

Notes for Guest Contributors

  • Send your pitch to
  • We need a brief bio for each guest contributor. A bio can/should have a link and one or more social media accounts.
  • We need the author to sign up for Gravatar if they are not already, and give us the email address associated with the account.
  • The article draft must be submitted in a Google Doc.
  • Don’t be discouraged by rewrites or requests for big changes. Don’t take it personally; we tend to do deeper edits than many other blogs.
  • Contributors must be online when the post goes live and must promote the post on their social media channels. Engage (respectfully) with the commenters.

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