TECNO Security Response Center’s Commitment to the InfoSec Community

The Security Bsides 2021 Ahmedabad, India sponsored by TECNO Security Response Center (SRC) shows its commitment to digital information security.
With over 400 security experts and specialists in attendance exchanging ideas with TECNO and other industry experts, organizations, and researchers.
The sponsorship enhanced the playing field, delivery of the latest research and knowledge. This was beneficial to amateurs and professionals who can not travel to or get access to such prominent conferences.
This contribution by TECNO’s shows how committed to securing its own devices, software, and the broader I.T security society.
Conference Discussion on Spyware, Android Vulnerabilities and More
Security BSides founded in 2009 is a community-driven framework for making events for and by information security community members.
BSides events are usually intense, filled with participants’ discussions interactions, and demos. Manage and engaged by the community itself, these conferences are where conversations for the next big thing happen.
Heath Adams, the Cyber Mentor (TCM) opened the program with a keynote address on information security, ethical hacking, and cybersecurity. He also pointed security issues of concern to both individuals and organizations.
The conference talks about the latest updates and research on Google Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP), mobile spyware, android vulnerabilities, Amazon misconfiguration, and more.
A full-day car hacking workshop was a part of the program and the idea was to reveal how a vehicle can be remotely maneuvered and used for system penetration with an entire array of tools at the hacker’s disposal.

SRC Improves TECNO Technologies and InfoSec Community

SRC backs TECNO on its mission to unlock the latest intelligent technologies across global emerging markets. Giving it access to the digital world available and affordable while being ethical and clean.
Following up on its promise to support the community, TECNO SRC has disbursed monetary and mobile phone rewards for detecting and submitting vulnerabilities on its system. This adds to the bag of bug bounties and penetration test rewards for ethical hackers.
Security is critical in the l.T world. As the rise in global usage of digital devices and services grows, cyber security gains more importance. Thus, the need to protect individual network devices and digital assets is of utmost importance.
TECNO SRC aims at building the potentials of the I.T security researcher’s community, and plans for the future. This includes cooperation with the international vulnerability public testing platforms to grow a robust TECNO security ecosystem. This will look to offer secure mobile experiences to users in more than 70 emerging markets that users can trust.
Going by the values of TECNO, TECNO SRC is the trademark of a company that cares about the needs of its users from different markets. They also understand the technical and cultural implications of I.T security for society.
TECNO SRC is taking its place as a significant contributor to the I.T security world with its continuing education and advancement on information technology, security, privacy, and critical infosec issues.



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Abidemi Ogunyemi-Aderibigbe
A committed and dedicated Muslimah, tech enthusiast, articulator, cloud enthusiast. I am a hardworking person with a high level of integrity.

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